Monday, August 15, 2011

New Items in Reference - 8/15/2011

Library Management Tips That Work (025.1)  "is an anthology for public, academic, special, and school librarians looking for successful examples of management when so much is changing in the profession:  how to manage staff, time, boards, emergencies, finances, stress, patrons, technology, and related topics day after day with budget and staff cuts," while providing planning guidance and tips on execution.

Working Americans, 1880-2010, vol. XI:  Inventors & Entrepreneurs (304.4097309)  A biographical series focusing on the economic and social aspects of the lives of working Americans, in this case - inventors and entrepreneurs.  The book is divided into sections by decade, with profiles examining subjects' lives at both home and work.

The American Economy:  A Historical Encyclopedia, revised ed. (330.973003)  Including over 600 short entries, 31 essays and 32 primary sources, the Encyclopedia "has been thoroughly update with information on the accounting scandals of the early 2000s and the recession of 2008, including the government stimulus and bailout programs and the recession's impact on key markets."

1 comment:

TR said...

This item looks like it might helpful and staff might want to check it out. Is there a circulating copy?