Where has the year gone? It's already the week of Turkey Day -- the week when we take stock in things that we are thankful for.
Of course, the obligatory answer is that we're thankful for the fellowship of kith and kin as we partake nature's bounty in the form of cooked fowl, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie, among others. Then Uncle Frank begins to complain about politics, whilst Aunt Edna skeptically wonders why 17 year old second cousin Jolean has dropped out of school with a "stomach ache" she's had for months, bringing the dinner to a crescendo, before the tryptophan kicks in during the second quarter of the Lions' game and everyone passes out in the den.
But mostly just that first part about fellowship -- that's what we're thankful for. Oh, and the leftovers.
Also, as much as we all love being librarians and helping customers & what not, we're also thankful for those brief respites from human contact, such as the one pictured above. Ahh, can you hear that? No, you can't, because you really can't hear silence. You may be hearing a slight ringing in your ears though, which could be tinnitus -- you might want to get that looked at.
Anyway, have a safe trip if you're traveling, and enjoy your time with family and friends! See you in December.